Sunday, July 19, 2009

Stop Smoking

Are you huffing and puffing your life away ? Now it is a good time to start a fresh. Out with the stale air and in with the fresh to get a good heath.

It's not very easy to give up the habit if you're hooked onto it. But it isn't impossible. A strong resolve will help. ‘Today I will teach you how to give up smoking. '

Follow (my stop smoking) point below:

  • Make a note of when and why you smoke. Are you in the habit of smoking while reading the newspaper? Or watching a match on TV? Yes? You can make a conscious effort not to strike up then. Or read your paper at a different time. Or chew some gum while watching TV.

  • Resolve not to smoke indoors. If you have to walk out each time you want a cigarette, you'll certainly smoke less.

  • With the same logic, don't store cigarettes at home. If you have to go down the road to buy a cigarette, it gives you less incentive to smoke.

  • Make a conscious effort not to give in when the urge hits you. Take a bath, go for a walk or meditate for a while. A little determination will go a long way
  • More exercise will help you fight the urge. You obviously can't smoke when you're working out, right?
  • Passive smoking affects the people who live around you. Would you really want your loved ones to pay a heavy price for your habits?
  • Put aside the money that you had budgeted for cigarettes. Think about the things you can do with that money if you don't buy cigarettes.
  • If you do slip up and give in to your urge, don't give up. Just resolve afresh and carry on. You'll probably slip up quite a few times before you give it up for good.

Is it helpfull to you?

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