Monday, October 25, 2010

Kurukshetra University B Ed Results 2010 Announced

The Kurukshetra University (KUK) has declared the results of B Ed (Bachelor of Education) for the academic year 2010. The Bed result is available on the official website of the University:

The Kurukshetra University has 457 colleges and teaching institutes affiliated to it. These colleges are located in various parts of Haryana state. Some of the prominent cities/towns where these colleges are located are Ambala, Panipat, Kaithal, Fatehabad, Yamuna Nagar, Hisar, Jind, Karnal, Kirukshetra, Sirsa and Panchkula districts.

The current year B.Ed papers include (i) Philosophical, Sociological, and Economic Bases of Education, (ii) Learner, Learning, and Cognition (iii) Vision of Secondary Education in India in the context of 21st Century and optional papers including Yoga Education, Educational Vocational Guidance and Counselling, Health and Physical Education, Environmental Education, Distance and Open Learning, Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Gender Sensitization and School and Human Rights Education among others.
One of the renowned universities in India Kurukshetra University, is located in Haryana state. Started with only the Department of Sanskrit, Kurukshetra University now has over 25 departments including English, Tourism and Hotel Management, Philosophy, Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology, Fine Arts, Geophysics, Electronic Science, Political Science and Mathematics among others. The University also runs foreign language department since 1961.

To find your results, just click on to fill in some important details like class, Roll No and security No and you will get the desired information.

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